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Site Design Challenge

Our site was very effective. According to our two site testers, it was very easy to navigate. For improvement, we could add some content to our pages to make it more engaging and interesting. We could also have more instructions to make it easier to realize the image swaps.

just the gems…

Planning a Website

Main Points:

-carefully map out the site architecture 

-an easy to navigate site is essential to success

-use photoshop “save for web” option

-saty within certain font families: serif, sans serif, or monotype

-continually check your site as you design it by by viewing it on different browsers and have a thorough understanding of the audience for which the site is being built

must be straightforward to navigate and intuitive-you should know what to click on and where to look without being told

-make your page layouts consistent-follow the same format for each page

Graphic Organizer

This graphic organizer visually explains how some of the ideas, topics & processes we have covered in class actually fit together.

1.How does the design reflect and support the purpose of the site?
(think about color, image)

-The design reflects and supports the purpose of the site by emphasizing what is important. For example, the html guide on the bottom I moved to the left hand side making it more significant. I also created contrast with the color of the text and the background.

2.Which of the 4 principles is most clearly evident? Explain their use.

– Contrast. Just about everything in this webpage has contrast. The background to the text, the white/blue gradient, and the heading all have contrast.

3.What 2 ideas did you uncover because of this task?

-Two ideas that I uncovered from this task are the importance of contrast, and proximity. Contrast really helped things stand out and seperated things to add emphasis on them. Proximity is also very important becasue it helped my heading work over the picture. Putting the heading partially over the picture made it looked like it was suppose to be there. Both of these ideas conrtibuted greatly to the purpose of the site.

Dear Mr.  Bartlet,
I just wanted to send you a follow up letter summarizing the main points in my team’s presentation.
We found that the necessities of your website,  Spank Swimming, are e commerce, a high amount disk space to be able to fit your catalog, and a budget with a high cost/performance ratio. These three things will take your site to the next level. E commerce will give your buyers a way to order directly off of your website instead of having to order by phone.
As you can see there are various web hosting services that you can use. We recommend EZi Hosting because it has a large disk space which will allow plenty of room for your online catolog. It also has a huge amount of data transfer, an unlimited amount of email accounts, has a free setup fee, and most importantly is cheap. For only about 9 dollars you can satisfy all of your needs.

ISP facts

Does your home have Internet access?


What do ISP’s actually provide?

Connection to the Internet

What do they promise/guarantee?

That your ISP’s connection should never go offline

What does that mean?

It should never lose connection to the internet

What happens if it fails?

You will not be able to access the internet

HTML Challenge: Analyze the Product and the Process


Our HTML site defintely fulfill’s its purpose. We did everything that was assigned and elaborated on some of the aspects. We had a picture of a map showing the rescuer where we were located. We also included two different pages with messages on both of the pages. We added on to our site by making text larger, changing text and background colors, and putting colors behing text. All of these aspects meet the need of the product but, there are a couple of things that were left out. To make our HTML site better, we could have been more specific with our messages, especially the map. We did not give any directions in words so they may not know exactly where we were located. We also could have added another page with another message or put more detailed messages on the first two pages.

Our HTML is good enough for the purpose. The assignment was to create a working two page HTML with a picture and messages that we were stranded in a snow storm. That is what we did. On the other hand, comparing this page to other HTML sites that we discovered over the process, we noticed that our code is very simple. We only had a number of differnet aspects of the code including messages, headings, pictures, and links. More complex codes have tons of these and much much more.


My partner and I worked very well together. I would say that I was the vocal leader, but Alex figured out how to put in more of the codes. I made lots of suggestions and tried them myself, but Alex came through and quickly figured out how to put thim in our site. This worked very well because I came up with ideas and he came up with products. Of course we both conrtibuted in equal ways.

My personal probem solving style is good right now but may need to change when we have more difficult and complex projects at hand. For this project, I started off somewhat slow, but once we had some help and got moving we found this task not too difficult. We figured out how to do things quite quickly and had extra time to learn new things. For the next project I hope to get started a little quicker.


The World Wide Web is to the internet as tennis is to sports.

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